Open hours:

Monday – Friday:

09:00 – 19:00


09:00 – 17:00

Sunday & Public Holidays:

09:00 – 15:00


Tel: +26461 222023

Fax: +26461 222633

Email: wimpy1@iway.na

Website:  www.wimpy.co.za

  • Wimpy at Wernhil Park
  • Wimpy at Wernhil Park
  • Wimpy at Wernhil Park
  • Wimpy at Wernhil Park

In an industry that is as highly competitive as the restaurant and fast food industry, Wimpy has managed to stay ahead of the game for more than thirty years. The new millennium has brought with it new challenges, but we have managed to meet those challenges head on. Through the use of technology, we are constantly monitoring the market to see whether we are on track with our promotions and product offerings. It seems to be working, because our group has grown in leaps and bounds to over 500 franchises in the new millennium.

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